How to have a healthy, happy summertime with your kids!

Hello friends, next Tuesday, 7/1/14 I will begin seeing patients at my new location at SageMED in the Factoria area of Bellevue, WA.  Please enjoy my newest blog post about how to have a healthy, happy summertime with your kids. Summer is my favorite time of year, I especially love the heat! Even I get a little overheated sometimes, though so I make teas from naturally cooling herbs called...
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Changes for Dr Corinne and Herbal Medicine for Kids

I am very excited to announce that I’m going to be the head of the pediatrics department at SageMED in Bellevue, WA starting 7/1/14. I have really loved working at Laurel Natural Medicine these past few years and am very much looking forward to bringing naturopathic pediatrics to Bellevue! My newest blog post is about using herbal medicine for children, what to watch out for and some great...
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What a Naturopathic Doctor’s Family Eats in One Week

Have you seen those photo journalist pictures of what different families around the world eat in one week’s time? I am fascinated by them, myself. So I revisit the idea every few years or so. This is what my family of three (me, my husband and my young daughter) will eat in one week’s time: From left to right: jar with white top: one quart homemade chicken broth; two cans tuna (canned...
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Red Bean and Quinoa Chili For Your Freezer

This is one of our all time favorite dishes in our family. We make it when it’s cold and rainy out, or when the food budget is a bit tight or for friends who are having babies or need food for one reason or another. A great way to make this chili is to do a double batch and then freeze dinner-sized portions for times when you are in need of something quick but delicious. It comes from the...
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Fantastic, Filling and Fast Whole Food Breakfasts

Hello everyone!  As a naturopathic physician I was trained with the understanding that we are what we eat and all disease (and health) begins in the gut. With these ideas in mind I would love to talk about breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people skip this most important meal, though. This may be because you ran out of time, in the interest of reducing calories, or...
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Omelet Muffins

You over slept. Your child is refusing to put her clothes on. You lost your hairbrush. You can’t find that miniscule zip drive that has your presentation on it. These and many other reasons stand between you and breakfast every morning. When it seems like Murphy has set up shop at your house just pull a couple of these omelet muffins out of the fridge, pop them into the toaster oven, pour...
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