How to have a healthy, happy summertime with your kids!

Hello friends, next Tuesday, 7/1/14 I will begin seeing patients at my new location at SageMED in the Factoria area of Bellevue, WA.  Please enjoy my newest blog post about how to have a healthy, happy summertime with your kids. Summer is my favorite time of year, I especially love the heat! Even I get a little overheated sometimes, though so I make teas from naturally cooling herbs called...
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Changes for Dr Corinne and Herbal Medicine for Kids

I am very excited to announce that I’m going to be the head of the pediatrics department at SageMED in Bellevue, WA starting 7/1/14. I have really loved working at Laurel Natural Medicine these past few years and am very much looking forward to bringing naturopathic pediatrics to Bellevue! My newest blog post is about using herbal medicine for children, what to watch out for and some great...
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November 16th 2013 Talk: Nutrition for Fertility

Nutrition for Fertility: How to increase fertility, improve pregnancy outcomes and give your baby the building blocks for a strong and healthy body and mind. Dr Corinne Harpster, ND LMP will be talking about the best foods to eat for women and men interested in becoming parents as well as what to eat while pregnant to help give your baby the best start possible. A tasty, nutrient dense snack will...
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November 14th 2013 Talk: Sleep Optimization

Sleep Optimization: How to Get Restful Sleep for Every Member of Your Family! Do you and/or members of your family have difficulty getting restful sleep? Would you like to know natural ways to help improve the quality and quantity of sleep for yourself and others? Come to an hour long talk given by Naturopathic Doctor Corinne Harpster, ND LMP. She will talk about proven natural sleep solutions...
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