What a Naturopathic Doctor’s Family Eats in One Week

Have you seen those photo journalist pictures of what different families around the world eat in one week’s time? I am fascinated by them, myself. So I revisit the idea every few years or so. This is what my family of three (me, my husband and my young daughter) will eat in one week’s time: From left to right: jar with white top: one quart homemade chicken broth; two cans tuna (canned...
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Red Bean and Quinoa Chili For Your Freezer

This is one of our all time favorite dishes in our family. We make it when it’s cold and rainy out, or when the food budget is a bit tight or for friends who are having babies or need food for one reason or another. A great way to make this chili is to do a double batch and then freeze dinner-sized portions for times when you are in need of something quick but delicious. It comes from the...
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Fantastic, Filling and Fast Whole Food Breakfasts

Hello everyone!  As a naturopathic physician I was trained with the understanding that we are what we eat and all disease (and health) begins in the gut. With these ideas in mind I would love to talk about breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people skip this most important meal, though. This may be because you ran out of time, in the interest of reducing calories, or...
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SNAP Challenge (aka Food Stamp Challenge) Week

My family is undertaking the SNAP Challenge this week. The rules for the particular challenge we are doing are as follow: 1) Each person should spend a set amount for food and beverages during the Challenge week. That amount is: Household size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Food Stamp Challenge Daily Budget $7 $12 $18 $22 $26 $32 $35 $45 * Note that the daily budget amount per person goes down as the...
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Episode 1 of: How to Live a more Healthy Life (Exercise: What is it good for?)

So there are some very interesting studies being done out there about what exercise can do for us. Let’s explore this a bit: there is a study that has found that inactivity is as harmful as smoking and can lead to things like breast and colon cancer, heart disease and type two Diabetes.   While there are several differing opinions on how -much- exercise is needed (anywhere from 15...
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