Episode 2 of: How to Live a More Healthy Life (Energy to Exercise Edition)

Exercise: it is great for all sorts of things. Things like better brain function, heart health and gut health. But what do you do when you just don’t have the energy to exercise? It is very hard to start a health program when you are not used to exercising, are ill or chronically fatigued. First things first: you need to go to your doctor and get cleared for exercise. This may entail...
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Fantastic, Filling and Fast Whole Food Breakfasts

Hello everyone!  As a naturopathic physician I was trained with the understanding that we are what we eat and all disease (and health) begins in the gut. With these ideas in mind I would love to talk about breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people skip this most important meal, though. This may be because you ran out of time, in the interest of reducing calories, or...
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SNAP Challenge (aka Food Stamp Challenge) Week

My family is undertaking the SNAP Challenge this week. The rules for the particular challenge we are doing are as follow: 1) Each person should spend a set amount for food and beverages during the Challenge week. That amount is: Household size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Food Stamp Challenge Daily Budget $7 $12 $18 $22 $26 $32 $35 $45 * Note that the daily budget amount per person goes down as the...
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Omelet Muffins

You over slept. Your child is refusing to put her clothes on. You lost your hairbrush. You can’t find that miniscule zip drive that has your presentation on it. These and many other reasons stand between you and breakfast every morning. When it seems like Murphy has set up shop at your house just pull a couple of these omelet muffins out of the fridge, pop them into the toaster oven, pour...
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Doctor Corinne’s Sauerkraut Recipe

One of my Facebook followers asked for my sauerkraut recipe when I mentioned I was making a bottle of sauerkraut in preparation for the SNAP Challenge my family and I are doing starting Saturday the 20th. In a nutshell, we are going to try to eat for an entire week on just $29.49 per person. For our family of three that is a little under $90 for the whole week. I am amazed at how much work is...
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